Day 20 – Fri, May 10, 2013


Misty in AM, cloudy all day
Starting temp 57, finishing temp 57
Moderate cross/tail winds

Ride stats:
Today’s mileage:  106 mi
Today’s climbing:  3582 ft
Total miles ridden: 2,039 mi
Approx miles to go: 1,312 mi

Interesting weather today.  We started at 57 degrees and it stayed steady at that temp all day.  The first couple hours were misty and we got damp riding through it.  We did breakfast a little differently today.  Normally we eat before starting to ride, but today we rode 15 miles, then stopped at a country diner, Mike’s Restaurant, in Liberty for breakfast.  Good call!  It was excellent!  Great place and we had a huge breakfast.

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful.  We crossed the Illinois river on a neat, long, blue truss bridge and after some initial hills most of the ride into Springfield was mostly flat.  Our route took us directly past the Capitol Building in Springfield, then on to the motel.  We will remain in Springfield all day tomorrow, our second scheduled rest day of the trip.

Photos from today.  Click on any photo to open in a slideshow view.

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